315 SE 2nd Avenue

Several individual
offices are available
now, with further
availability over the
next 6 months of up
to the whole 8,800
square feet.

The owner maintains
professional offices on
site for his architecture
practice. The owner
provides full
management and can
accomplish response
to tenant needs

Two methods of
pricing is available. A
tenant may take a
room or a suite with
all expenses paid.
The rate includes
CAM and utilities.
Secondly a tenant
can take either the
north building of
5,600 gross square
feet, the south
building of 3,200
square feet, or the
whole building at
8,800 square feet. A
whole gross area
lease price will be
provided for such a

The owner is
prepared to provide
professional design
services should the
tenant wish to modify
the current floor plan
and finishes.
Consider this service
a perk with a lease.